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Student Awards

Every year Kate Chegwin staff, students and parents come together to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our many students.  This awards night is typically held on the last Thursday evening of the school year.  The following awards are presented:

Honours Awards
In order to be eligible for an honours award, a student must have achieved an overall average between 79.5% and 89.4% in their 4 main core classes. Marks as of the end of Term 3 are used to calculate the average. Final exam marks are not included. 

Honours with Distinction
In order to be eligible for the honours with distinction award, a student must have achieved an overall average of 89.5% or higher in their 4 main core classes. Marks as of  the end of Term 3 are used to calculate the average. Final exam marks are not included.                    

Complementary Courses (Grade 7, 8, 9)
In order to be eligible for a complementary (options) course award, a student must have demonstrated a commitment to the course, as well as a high level of participation and ability in that subject.

Art Gallery Award
Every year, three pieces of art are selected by staff and school community members, through a voting process, for inclusion in the permanent art collection of Kate Chegwin School.

Top Athlete Award
Presented to one male and one female, this award is based on excellent sportsmanship, participation in multiple school sponsored teams, and exceptional athletic ability. 

Citizenship Award
Awarded to one student at each grade level who has demonstrated cooperation, initiative, participation, and volunteerism in school sponsored events throughout the school year. 

Resiliency Award
This award is given to a student who has shown significant growth during their time at Kate Chegwin.

Highest Overall Standing
This award is given to one student at each grade with the highest overall average.  This award includes marks from all core and option classes as of term 3. Final exam marks are not included.            

Kate Chegwin Award
Every year at Kate Chegwin, a grade nine student who possesses attributes consistent with the school’s namesake is recognized. The student will have demonstrated leadership skills, excellent attendance, and the drive for personal success. The student will also have exhibited a keen interest in a broad range of subjects and activities, as well as having achieved merit standing (75%) or above.