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School Assessment Plan

We've developed a school assessment plan to help you understand how we measure your child's learning. You'll find information about:

  • how we plan to communicate student progress
  • dates for progress reports, parent-teacher conferences, provincial exams, individualized program plan (IPP) reviews, and how and when English as a Second Language (ESL) proficiency benchmarks will be shared
  • how we determine students' grades/marks
  • parent, teacher and student responsibilities
  • the steps we take to address missing or incomplete work

Download the guide

Read our ‌Assessment Plan found on the main homepage on the lefthand side.


Student Rights and Responsibilities

If you have any questions throughout the year, please contact your child's teacher or our main office to speak with an Administrator.  Emails can be found on SchoolZone.  The Rights and Responsibilities document can be downloaded from the main homepage on the lefthand side.


Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some common questions and  our answers.  This will allow you to understand the expectations for all students when attending Kate Chegwin.


Q What are the homework expectations for students attending Kate Chegwin?
A The recommended homework study time for students is 70 minutes for grade 7; 80 minutes for grade 8 and 90 minutes for grade 9. If a student is absent for whatever reason, it is their responsibility to acquire the missing assignments and to complete them. The regular home study schedule should include:

  • Completing daily assignments not finished in class
  • Working on long-term assignments
  • Reviewing work covered that day
  • Studying for exams and tests

Q. What technology will your child need?

A.  We are pleased to announce that as of September next year we will have enough Chromebooks available onsite to meet the academic needs of all of our students in their classrooms. With the availability of school technology for all students we are revamping our Smartphone and Personal Electronic Device Policy. The foundation and rationale for the policy was shared with and supported by Council members in our School Council meeting.  Digital Citizenship Policy


Q Will I be expected to pay school fees?
A There are no instructional fees for core subjects.  Consumables related to complementary courses are an extra cost item for supplies used in the class. Other potential cost items include: field trips, bus/lunch passes, lost/damaged textbooks, library resources, and instructional materials. Fees are reviewed annually. 

Q Is there a lunch program?
A Yes, a student who needs to remain at school over the lunch hour must be a member of the Kate Chegwin Lunch Program. Expectations for participation in the program are detailed in a parent/student contract. The cost is $30.00 per student/per year.

Q Are students provided with a locker?
A Yes, lockers are assigned to students so that each student has his/her own locker as near as possible to their homeroom. For safety reasons we distribute locks that may be accessed by an administrator's key. It is important that lock combinations not be shared. Lockers are the property of the school and are subject to entry by administration.  Students are required to have a lock for their PE classes.  It is important that students bring a lock to use during their Phys Ed classes.

Q Are there any school clubs available to students?
A Yes, there are many after school clubs and lunch hour activities available to interested students. These activities include intramurals, mural clubs, sports teams (volleyball, soccer, basketball, track, journal games, running club, floor hockey). Other clubs may be organized based on student interest and the availability of a sponsor. Students also have an opportunity to work in the school store. 

Q How do I report my child's absence?

A Parents are required to contact the school if their son or daughter will be absent at 469-0470. The school office is open between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. After hours, parents may contact the school and leave a message on our "absentee check: line. Students needing to leave the school early for appointments or other necessities must register in the SIGN-OUT book in the office. The students are required to provide a note from a parent or guardian requesting early departure and specifying the reason - use of the Student Agenda is a useful tool for this! It is also necessary that the student let their homeroom teacher know that they are leaving and to check for homework assignments.

Q What is the procedure if my child requires medication?
A We legally cannot and will not provide medications of any kind to our students. For safety reasons, please keep the school informed of allergies and daily medication routines. Please ensure that an up-to-date emergency number is on the school records. Students who are too ill to participate in class are expected to go home, as arranged by phone with the parent/guardian emergency caregiver. Minor "first-aid" will be given to any student injured on the premises. Parents/guardians will be notified immediately should an injury occur at school.

Q Is smoking allowed on school premises?

A All property of Edmonton Public Schools is a "no smoking"" zone. Smoking and possession of tobacco products or e-cigarettes is not permitted at school, on school buses, school field trips or on or near school grounds. This policy applies to school visitors as well.

Q What forms of communication are used to notify parents of school events?

A We use a variety of methods of communicating with parents, including regular newsletters, School Zone, telephone calls, voice-mail, e-mail, school web site.

Q What is the school's position on valuables such as personal music devices and other property such as bicycles/skate boards, and cell phones? 
A It is recommended that valuables should not be brought to school. Wallets, bus passes, and jewelry should not be taken into the gym change room. We suggest that students purchase a second lock for use on a gym locker, which is to be used during physical education classes only. Please note, students are not allowed to use cell phones to make calls in the school. Cell phones should be turned off and placed in the student's locker for the duration of the school day. Portable music devices including iPods are not to be brought to class. They must remain in lockers during instructional time. Students may bring their bicycles to school but are encouraged to lock them with secure locks to the bike rack (unmonitored). Note: The school does not assume responsibility for lost or damaged personal valuables.

Q Are skate boards permitted? 
A No, we prefer skate boards not be brought to school as they cannot be secured in student lockers.

Q Does Kate Chegwin have a Dress Code for students? 
A We endeavor to provide safe, caring, healthy, diverse, inclusive and equitable learning experiences that engage students to achieve their full potential in an increasingly interdependent world.  If a student's dress or grooming is objectionable under the provisions outlined in the Rights and Responsibilities document, they will be required to make the appropriate corrections.‌