School Profile
Kate Chegwin School fosters a community of academic excellence and leadership, ignites creativity, and nurtures the human spirit. Our junior high offers the Regular Program, Academic Enrichment Program, Strategies, and Behaviour and Learning Assistance. Students may take courses such as French, Punjabi, Art, Drama, Film, Guitar, Outdoor Education, Digital photography, Construction, and Foods.
We primarily serve the communities of Bisset, Minchau, Weinlos, Laurel, and Silverberry; however, we are currently accepting applicants from all Edmonton areas. Students can participate in a number of extracurricular clubs and activities, both at lunch and after school. Use of school provided technology is a strong focus as we develop the 21st century learner. Early intervention strategies are used to identify students at risk or requiring more challenge, and students with special needs are included in regular classes with support. We partner with many community organizations which provide support for our students.
We believe:
- Student success is a result of collaboration between the home, the school, and the community
- In guiding individuals to achieve their potential through knowledge, discovery, citizenship, and social responsibility
- That our students will demonstrate academic success while planning for high school and post-secondary education
How did the School get its name?
In 1899, newly trained as a teacher, Kate Chegwin left Ontario and ventured west to her first teaching job in Edmonton. At that time, there was only one three-room school in town—Edmonton School.
Chegwin spent two years there before transferring to Edmonton's second school, Queen Avenue. Although she was always paid less than her male colleagues, Chegwin enjoyed many historical firsts throughout her teaching career. In 1909, she was the first woman ever to hold a supervisory position in the Edmonton public school district, she was the first female vice-principal in Edmonton (1911) and the first female principal (1914).
Chegwin served on the executive board of the northern Alberta Teachers' Association, the Alberta Education Association and the Women Teachers' Club of Edmonton. After serving with Edmonton Public Schools for 28 years, Chegwin retired from teaching (she never missed a day of work). At the time of her retirement, Edmonton boasted 30 schools.
In the 1940s—after her retirement—Chegwin convinced Edmonton Public Schools that married women teachers could be effective teachers. She died in British Columbia in 1958.
In 1984, she was posthumously inducted into the Edmonton Historical Hall of Fame and in September 1992, Edmonton's Kate Chegwin Junior High School was officially opened. Kate Chegwin School is a bright and architecturally stunning school. Classrooms and hallways include nooks where students can be found studying or visiting. Students readily engage in coursework focused on preparing them for being 21st century literate citizens. If she were alive today, Kate Chegwin would be proud!